A Better Breakfast for Mr. Rodgers

There is a little bit of a story behind this one…as you can probably tell from the title, haha. “A Better Breakfast for Mr. Rodgers.”

Once upon a time, in a land not so far away…there was a princess who loved her sleep.  So even though her prince was trying desperately to eat healthy, she would let him take care of his own breakfasts so she could stay in bed an additional half hour or so.  Then one day she had to be up at the same time as him, and was horrified when she witnessed his rushed morning ritual.  (He has tried to convince me that it was worse than normal this day…but just the fact that he was willing to do this…agh!!)  See, the prince, after a long break from legumes, had recently decided to add beans back into his diet.  So quickly he scrambled some eggs, opened a can of black beans and dumped them on top (unrinsed,) then exclaimed “I need something green.”  Hurriedly he grabbed a Tupperware of salad from the day before picked out a couple of the onions, tossed it in a blender with some water, pulsed it a few times, poured it in a glass and chugged it.  While eating his goopy egg/bean mess.

Horrified.  The only word to describe my feelings on this occurrence.  So since then, I have been trying to get up at least more often to make “a better breakfast for Mr. Rodgers.”  Just because he is eating healthy doesn’t mean he has to eat “gross-ly.”  I am determined to bring flavor back into his breakfasts.  So I thought I would share my efforts with you!  Here is my first, which he thoroughly enjoyed and was quite easy I must add!


Here’s what you need:

  • 3 Eggs
  • 1/2 Avocado, sliced
  • 1/2 Lg Tomato, sliced
  • 1/4 C Onion, diced
  • 2 Cloves Garlic, Minced
  • 1/3 C Black Beans, rinsed!
  • Salt and Pepper
  • 1 Tsp Cilantro paste
  • Grassfed Butter for pans.

And here’s how yo udo it:

  1. Start by sautéing your onion until it is beginning to become transparent.  Add the garlic and stir, cooking for about another minute.  Add some salt, pepper, beans, and cilantro paste and stir to combine, cooking another minute or so.  Set aside.
  2. Crack eggs into a bowl and whisk.  Pour into greased pan and cook until the edges are hardened and there is barely any runniness left.
  3. Cover one half of the egg “disc” with the stuffing and fold over.  Keep on heat for just another minute to get everything warmed through, then carefully slide out of pan onto a plate.
  4. Top with avocado and tomato slices.  Eat.  Enjoy.  No more blended salad!  (Don’t get me wrong, I love green smoothies, but that’s a little…much.)


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Breakfast in bed!  Perfection!!  What is your favorite omelet stuffing?!